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HABA Rally Race

HABA Rally Race

Regular price €29,95
Regular price Sale price €29,95
Regular price €29,95
Regular price Sale price €29,95
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  • Rallyrace is an exciting dice and racing game from the well-known German game manufacturer HABA .
  • Simple rules for an exciting game: whoever completes the course first three times wins the race! Honk to overtake the others and use their dice to your advantage. You better watch out for ghosts , because they will send you back to the start.
  • Contains: 1 game board, 1 horn, 8 rally animals (2 of each colour), 2 track ghosts (white figures), 4 dice, 8 Powerblitz tiles, 9 checkered flag tiles, 1 cup and 1 game manual.
  • For 2 to 4 players, ages 6 and up.
  • Tested and approved by our Fairplace board game team .
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