
Fairplace is a happy and proud partner of these initiatives:

logo plus card PlusPas
PlusPas is a benefits platform with discounts and offers for employees of mainly government services and municipal authorities. If your employer is affiliated with PlusPas, you will automatically receive a membership card upon entering employment and can use the benefits of PlusPas.
PlusPas is charmed by our range of sustainable toys and that is why we are allowed to offer our toys on this platform. Sustainability is a hot item for the government, and also for their employees. They order vouchers for Fairplace via PlusPas and with these vouchers you can order from the entire webshop with a nice discount. All info on .
Teacher card
In addition to various newsletters, the education magazine Klasse also publishes the Teachers Card . This offers more than 1,000 benefits to teaching staff.
Fairplace is an enthusiastic partner of the Teachers Card and thus stimulates attention for sustainability in the classroom. Anyone who logs in and orders via the Teachers Card, receives an extra discount on an order at Fairplace. More information via the website of Klasse .
Cera  is the largest cooperative of Belgium. 400,000 partners want to join forces to invest in prosperity and well-being. Cera invests in poverty reduction, cooperative entrepreneurship, art and culture, agriculture and horticulture and healthcare in society.
Are you a partner at Cera , then you can via the promotional offers enjoy exclusive discounts at Fairplace.
Cera and Fairplace share the same values ​​regarding sustainability and therefore the collaboration was a given.