Call for Win-Win Loans 2025

Fairplace wants to continue to grow and is asking for your help πŸ™πŸ»

Fairplace has been around for 12 years now, and every now and then we get a big growth spurt . That was already due to corona and now we feel that it is time to grow again: there is more demand for play material to let children romp and play 'screen-free', and a growing trend towards local and sustainable purchasing.
Take out a WinWin loan from us in 2025
For 10 years, ordinary people from our environment (friends, acquaintances, customers) have been helping us grow through a WinWin loan . They lend us an amount for 8 years and receive an annual interest and tax reduction, with a net return of almost 4%.
We use that money to attract more sustainable brands and to professionalize our operations. In the past, we used it to finance the expansion of our IT system, the warehouse and the store, the growth to twice as many articles and the stock building of several major brands such as Haba, Stapelstein and Playmobil.
We have 2 concrete goals for 2025:
- we will offer larger play equipment that encourages children to play outside, screen-free and with lots of movement. Such as sports equipment, garden toys and outdoor games. This requires extra investments in stock, storage space and also in a customized marketing campaign.
- we will be making our first hire this spring : if this financing round is successful, we will hire an employee who will prepare and follow up everything 'behind the scenes' so that we can go out on the road more often to customers and partners.
So maybe we will soon have a he/she to strengthen us?

The Win-Win Loan: a PMV formula

We remain independent of a bank by financing our company with private capital via Win-Win Loans from friends and sympathizers. In concrete terms, this is done via the PMV Win-Win Loan from the Flemish government (Participatie Maatschappij Vlaanderen). This allows private individuals to invest in companies of friends and acquaintances. In this way, with Fairplace we can raise capital from our directΒ environmentΒ attract through people who believe in us and in our project.

For private individuals this works as aΒ investment : you lend to Fairplace forΒ 8 yearsΒ a disk of €2500, €5000 or €10,000 . This is done (free of charge) with an official deed from PMV, the ParticipatieMaatschappij Vlaanderen. You will then receive an annual interest from Fairplace (gross inΒ 2025 = 2.875% ) + on top of that from the governmentΒ tax reduction of 2.5%Β (via your annual tax return).

The loan runs for 8 years and at the end of that period we will pay back the amount in one go. In case of problems in the company, the government guarantees the repayment of at least 30% of your deposit. MoreΒ info on the PMV website. This way of working is a success formula for us, we have more than 50 running, with friends, acquaintances and customers. A real win-win πŸ”₯πŸ”₯.


Send us a message and we will email you the folder that goes with the campaign. You can send that message to or

Thanks in advance! πŸ’š πŸ’š